manifest_version 2.0刚出来的时候就准备对Fehelper做一次升级,不过由于项目忙等各种原因,一直没抽出时间来。
Manifest version 1 support schedule
August 2012
The Web Store will block creation of new manifest version 1 items.
The Web Store will allow updates to existing manifest version 1 items.
March 2013
The Web Store will block updates to manifest version 1 items on March 4th, 2013.
April 2013
Chrome 27 Beta will stop packaging manifest version 1 items (or loading them for development).
The Web Store will remove manifest version 1 items from the wall, search results, and category pages.
Notice emails will be sent to all developers with manifest version 1 items still in the store reminding them that these items will be unpublished and providing update instructions.
July 2013
The Web Store will unpublish all manifest version 1 items.
Final notice emails will be sent to developers with manifest version 1 items still in the Web Store.
Chrome will continue to load and run installed manifest version 1 items.
September 2013
Chrome will stop loading or running manifest version 1 items.
manifestVersion 1 和 manifestVersion 2还是有非常多地方不一样的地方,manifest.json文件的修改倒是简单,主要是js代码的修改,会比较费神。
2、原来的js代码中有eval,有new Function,有setTimeout;以前加的Google Analytics也不能正常加载,怎么办,改manifest.json文件中的CSP:
"content_security_policy": "script-src 'self' https://ssl.google-analytics.com 'unsafe-eval'; object-src 'self'"
*.onMessage.addListener(function(req,params,callback){ // TODO callback({}); // 保证消息通道一直open,否则resp执行就会失败! return true; });
"web_accessible_resources": [ "static/img/grid.png", "static/img/fe-18.png", "static/img/fe-48.png", "static/img/fe-128.png", "static/css/fe-helper.css", "static/vendor/jquery-ui-1.8/css/jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.hot_datauri.css" ]
6、页面上非得跨站获取数据,比如请求 http://example.com/a.js ,怎么办?
通过script不能加载这样的js,CSP不允许,而且CSP中也只允许配置chrome-extensions:// 或者 https:// 这样的策略,其他的不行!
不过,好在background中可以跨站加载内容,所以可以通过消息机制,content-scripts向background发送Message,background中通过ajax load跨站内容,将数据回传给content-scripts,同时在content-scripts中eval(responseData),以此解决问题。
/** * 通过这个方法来读取服务器端的CSS文件内容,要这样做,前提是在manifest.json中配置permissions为:http:// * @param {String} link 需要读取的css文件 * @param {Function} callback 回调方法,格式为:function(respData){} * @config {Object} respData 输出到客户端的内容,格式为{success:BooleanValue,content:StringValue} * @return {Undefined} 无返回值 */ var _readFileContent = function(link,callback){ //创建XMLHttpRequest对象,用原生的AJAX方式读取内容 var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); //处理细节 xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { //后端已经处理完成,并已将请求response回来了 if (xhr.readyState === 4) { //输出到客户端的内容,格式为{success:BooleanValue,content:StringValue} var respData; //判断status是否为OK if (xhr.status === 200 && xhr.responseText) { //OK时回送给客户端的内容 respData = { success : true, //成功 type : FILE.LINK, //<link>标签 path : link, //文件路径 content : xhr.responseText //文件内容 }; } else { //失败 respData = { success : false, //失败 type : FILE.LINK, //<link>标签 path : link, //文件路径 content : "FcpHelper can't load such file." //失败信息 }; } //触发回调,并将结果回送 callback(respData); } }; //打开读通道 xhr.open('GET', link, true); //设置HTTP-HEADER xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","text/plain;charset=UTF-8"); xhr.setRequestHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin","*"); //开始进行数据读取 xhr.send(); };
FeHelper最新版本:2.0 ,扩展地址